Re: f-spot-import and the timezone workaround


Indeed, I have seen a huge number of emails on the subject (and got a
number of angry comments from friends to who I recommended f-spot).
Unfortunately, these discussion turn quickly into flames and nothing
seems to come out of it!

Don't think so, there aren't any flames. Or at least I didn't found them.

I would love to read more comments from the maintainer on it. As far
as I remember one of them promised a fix before 1.0, so I guess they
have some ideas on a possible solution..

Me, too. 1.0 is more or less far future. 0.6 is next. Without time handling fix.

I for one always set my camera to local time, so a "no change" option
would be great.

There is a "no change" option. In the preferences you can tell f-spot not to write any metadata to the files, just in the db. So at least the files won't be messed up.

I'll write a "fix date" extension some of those days if I have time, which mainly will use the RAW time to correct the JPG time and if there is no RAW and the photo was taken by a digital camera, the digitized time will be used.


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