Re: Using monodevelop

Michael Wayne Goodman wrote:
Daniel:  We don't use monodevelop because nobody has bothered to make
a solution file for f-spot (and if they did, it hasn't been committed
AFAIK).  Most people use vim (or their favorite text editor) and
compile from the command line.

Thanks for your answer. I'm afraid it's going to be a bumpy road learning how to develop for f-spot in a streamlined fashion. If this is a common approach to development, are there any sites that might help a former windows user cope? Specifically, I'm used to visual studio, and it's not the IDE style of developing that I'm missing. It's the benefits of it, like auto-complete, syntax highlight, easily adding assembly references, debugging, and compiling via hotkey...
Stephane: this question comes up fairly regularly on the mailinglist
and IRC.  Perhaps we should add it to a FAQ on the wiki, or at least
in the "Get Involved" page.  What do you think?

Daniel: If we did put this information on the wiki somewhere, would
you have found the answer to your question?  In other words, where did
you look before asking on the mailinglist?  This might help us figure
out where to put it on the wiki.  Thanks!
If you're talking about compiling and developing, I looked under and under
If you're talking about my glade error, I googled the error and found 
On 9/5/07, Daniel Falk <f-spot mbx zapto org> wrote:
 Stephane Delcroix wrote:
 On Sat, 2007-09-01 at 10:37 -0400, Daniel Falk wrote:

 Also, is anyone using any GUI tools to develop the GUI? Or is that done
by editing code by hand?

 glade-3 it is


 Thanks.  I installed glade-3.  It looks cool.  I'll have to play with it a
little bit more though.   I tried to load the file into it and
I get the following message:

 Failed to load
 The following required catalogs are unavailable: canvasgnome

 What does that mean?

 Also, what does everyone use for development?

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