Re: Dreaming

I don't mean to go all snotty-elitist-hacker-like on you, but an email like yours really begs this response.

On 3/31/07, vescovi christophe < christophe vescovi numericable fr> wrote:
Richard Bronosky a écrit :
> First thing I'd do with "a robust plugin architecture" is add The
> GIMP's Tools>Color Tools>Levels... and >Curves...
Why !!!
Because f-spot is developed (I'll say, mostly if not exclusively, since I haven't taken the time to investigate sponsorship.) by hackers in their free time.  We have jobs where our bosses tell us what they want us to do for them.  When we work on FLOSS, we invest our time in the features that are important to _ us_.  So, the answer to "Why" is, because the time I spend hacking is precious to me and I spent it the way I want.

I just want...
Those with wants should either develop means, or make friends with those with means.  I've never developed in dotNET or C# before, but I'm doing it specifically to contribute the features that I want to see in f-spot.  You may consider this.  Who knows, you may just find a new career!

Don't take it personally.  I got many emails like this from the MythTV mailing list before I began contributing.

.!# RichardBronosky #!.

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