Re: Documentation

On 9/13/06, Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre prokoudine gmail com> wrote:

> Noticed that prokoudine asked about Yelp support on the IRC channel.
> I would say a definit Yes on that question.

Bengt, I took silence in the IRC for request to make something real. I
currently have initial version of the current manual in DocBook/XML.
No icons, no links yet. I also created OMF file from criawip's one,
but I don't know who I should mention as creator and maintainer, and
where to grab relation seriesid from. OMF file is attached.

And here is the DocBook/XML file:

Only icons are missing. The rest markup seems to be okay.

As for updating, I think we could make it this way: considering not
everyone, who would like to contribute to docs, has commit access, we
could use still use wiki and right before release update XML using
wiki diffs. Theoretically we can export from mediawiki to DocBook/XML
(see for reference),
but I haven't seen it working anywhere yet.


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