Re: Importing IPTC tags

On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 09:55 +0200, Frederic Peters wrote:
> Bengt Thuree wrote:
> > I can only guess that this tag is lost in the System.Exception down
> > below.... Apart from this I seem to get everything...
> > Perhaps you have another picture with more tags which I can try?
> img_1668.jpg has more keywords, a province /
> state tag limited to ASCII chars and new tags: caption (120), caption
> (122) writer and copyright (116).

I get the following tags with this picture.
Copyright - Found - Not imported - F-Spot do not handle duplicate tags
Country - Ok
Caption - Ok
Keywords - Ok
City - Ok
Writer - Found - Not imported - F-Spot do not handle duplicate tags
Province/State - Not found

But I still get the following:
read IPTCNAA -
1:90 - CodedCharacterSet The character set designation
System.Exception: Invalid tag marker found 0 != 1c with 294 bytes
remaining 5
in <0x002d4> FSpot.Iptc.DataSet:Load (System.IO.Stream stream)
in <0x00048> FSpot.Iptc.IptcFile:Load (System.IO.Stream stream)
0:0 - 0 Unknown IIM DataSet
2:116 - CopyrightNotice Copyright information for
2:101 - PrimaryLocationName Full name of the country of the focus of the
2:120 - CaptionAbstract Unknown IIM DataSet
2:25 - Keywords Unknown IIM DataSet
2:25 - Keywords Unknown IIM DataSet
2:25 - Keywords Unknown IIM DataSet
2:25 - Keywords Unknown IIM DataSet
2:25 - Keywords Unknown IIM DataSet
2:25 - Keywords Unknown IIM DataSet
2:25 - Keywords Unknown IIM DataSet
2:25 - Keywords Unknown IIM DataSet
2:25 - Keywords Unknown IIM DataSet
2:90 - City Name of the city the content is focussing on
2:122 - WriterEditor The person involved in writing, editing or
correcting the object data or caption/abstract
2:95 - ProvinceState Unknown IIM DataSet


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