Re: Importing tagged photos does not assign tags to photos!

On 05/07/06, Bengt Thuree <bengt thuree com> wrote:
Could you also send a link to a photo with Hebrew tags?
The Hebrew tag is: ביאטריס

perhaps check this site for some sample.
In particular
sqlite> update testtable set col2=0 where col1='hi';

with other words
sqlite> update TAGNAME_DB set NAME='new_name' where NAME='name';
Dont have f-spot at hand, so you will have to change database, and column

you can also check

Thanks, I did see and learn from examples like those. They problem is
that those querys are for modifing complete entries. I have hunderds
of them, and I don't know what they are to modify them to! If I did,
then I could just modify them inside F-spot...

However, on a letter-by-letter basis I do know what to switch, so I
need a query that will change every instance of "needle" to
"new_needle" in _all_ the entries. I'm pretty certain that I can''t do
that with SQL, but I'm also fairly certain that I can:
1) Export ther entire database to a "dump sql" file.
2) Modify the "dump sql" file, replacing what I need with a text editor.
3) Import the new "dump sql" file.

So that's my current plan of action. The sqlite commands ".dump" and
".output" but I can't find the file:

sqlite> .dump .output /home/dotancohen/output

But /home/dotancohen/output does not exist. I also tried just output,
and that did not work either. Updatedb and then locate didn't locate
the file, either, so I don't think that the file really exists. And I
don't see it as a permissions problem. (as googling for this type of
problem suggests)

I tried copying the ".dump" output to the screen, but it's too long
for the buffer! So my challenges are now creating the output file  and
figuring out how to have it read my modified file and execute the

Dotan Cohen

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