Re: [Evolution] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022

 Jaroslaw Rafa via evolution-list wrote:
A quick and simple question: who is in position to decide to move this list
to another mailing list, hosted elsewhere? There have been already a few
propositions on this list for an alternative. Who is the "owner" of this
list who can decide about the move?


Excellent question. I'll toss out this possibility:


We're using for a couple of the Mensa discussion lists I'm on.
Mostly indistinguishable from good ol' mailman. Don't know if there's
a cost involved, but I would be willing to contribute if we move there.

This "Discourse" is a poorly structured, excessively juvey and chirpy
construct which appears to present group interactions in an extremely
cumbersome fashion. And "badges", fer chrissake! Bohdges? We doan need no
steenkin' bohdges!

If we're stuck with Discourse, I'm gone. And open to replacement suggestions
for Linux MUAs other than Evo.



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