Re: [Evolution] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022


That's about correct, and I see where that can be seen as a limitation. You can only filter by category in the way that you're mentioning AFAIK. One way would be to include an [Evolution] or [$APP] tag in the subject line and filter by that but that'd require instructing users to do so, not particularly feasible. But that's definitely a good point.

On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 1:02 PM Pete Biggs <pete biggs org uk> wrote:

> Tagging means adding a tag to a specific thread that is created to
> make sure it can easily be filtered out and most importantly it can
> easily be configured as a watcher (i.e the process that allows you to
> receive an email when a new email / response has been added to a
> thread). Our Discourse instance already has a tag called "evolution",
> which can be used to tag a specific thread at creation time (or later
> on in the process) to make sure it gets properly filtered for
> contributors that are only interested in mc conversations. Each
> Discourse category comes with an email endpoint, let's say you want
> to create a new thread under the Applications category, you can send
> an email to the applications discourse gnome org email and it gets
> automatically posted to Discourse, like you do today with Mailman. In
> the background we can configure an automatic tag, that is whenever
> the Evolution or Evo (or anything you prefer) word is mentioned
> (similar to what happens today with Mailman list name tag on
> subjects) the "evolution" tag is automatically added to your thread,
> that eases consumption by your contributors which have watchers
> defined for the "evolution" tag.

So, the emails from Discourse come with a category label, not a tag
label. i.e. the emails have a subject of "[Applications] ....".  There
doesn't seem to be any indication in the headers of the Tag(s) that
caused the notification email to be sent.

If someone is interested in more than one Gnome application, as far as
I can see there's no way of filtering the two different "lists".

Is this correct or am I missing something?



Principal Systems Engineer at Red Hat,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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