Re: [Evolution] [solved] After an update Evolution's user interface is entirely broken

On Tue, 2022-11-01 at 12:40 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
Text on buttons, that's tricky with small resolutions. You are lucky
you've plenty of space, but there are people, or use cases, where is
available only limited space, thus the text is too much for the header
bar buttons. If you do not believe, then have a look here:

Hm, with

$ gsettings get use-header-bar

I can shrink the window to a very small size without suffering from such
an issue, see attachment. So the issue is introduced by the new design

The string of consequences has nothing to do with the needs or opinions
of different users, it's introduced by a new design policy and no issue
at all with the old design policy.


Attachment: screen_20221101_01.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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