Re: [Evolution] After an update Evolution's user interface is entirely broken

On Tue, 2022-11-01 at 07:50 +0100, Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list
Evolution is rendered useless for my needs.

it looks like it was not discussed here yet (or my search foo
degraded). Please see:

Long story short: since 3.46.1, run from a terminal:

    gsettings set use-header-bar false

and then start Evolution.

I've attached screenshots showing the new confusingly arranged
ambiguous symbols

By the way, your screenshots show that you've installed something what
disables use of the header bars in the gtk3 apps. That was not what it
was meant to look like. If you use some 3rd-party tool to modify the
interface, then it's up to you (I recall it had been mentioned here, no
need to repeat).

Also, I would not say the interface is entirely broken. That's not fair
from you.


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