Re: [Evolution] Keeping email on the server

On 2022-08-19 at 13:57 -0600, larry wrote:
Since I use the word "test" pretty often, because I help a lot pf
people with programming, 3D printing, and a few other technical

So the first thing the ISP did was to send me an email asking for the
email that triggered the blocking. Well, I did not have it. I thought
perhaps I could find it, but I was unsuccessful.

Furthermore, they wanted me to send that email in .eml format, and
included instructions for putting it into .eml format. One option

Email client:
1. Highlight the message in your email client.
2. Right-click on the message and select "Save As..."
3. Choose Mail/Mail Files (*.eml).
4. Click Save.

Of course, I not only couldn't find the message, but could not find a
way in Evolution to save it as .eml.

Hello Larry

The way to do it in evolution is almost like that. It's just that it is
named "Save as mbox…"
It's available either on File menu or in the contextual menu when
right-clicking on an email.

Strictly speaking, an email in mbox format is not exactly the same as
eml (there is a harmless extra line at the top, and if the mail had
lines beginning by "From " they would be quoted) but for most purposes
(including what your ISP wanted) an mbox file would be equivalent.

The emails in your normal Sent folder are what would be needed (Sent
emails do have less headers, since some of them are added by the mail
server itself).

As for what your ISP does... I guess there is some reason to avoid that
a customer sends a large number of emails with the same subject (that
could be an indication that the account is compromised and being used
to send spam), but their implementation seems somewhat… peculiar.

You might be interested in migrating to a different email account on a
provider which doesn't impose such restrictions.

Best regards

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