Re: [Evolution] Keeping email on the server

On Fri, 2022-08-19 at 15:41 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Fri, 2022-08-19 at 08:00 -0600, larry wrote:
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
MATE 1.24.0
Evolution 3.36.5-0ubuntu1

Is there any way to configure Evolution to leave outbound emails on

That is entirely a function of the server - and I don't know any that
don't remove the data once the mail has been successfully sent. 

If you mean that you want to save a copy of the sent mail, then that
configured under Edit -> Preferences -> <account> -> Edit -> Defaults

Some clarification:

I was recently barred from sending email. I could receive emails, but
every email I tried to send generated an error saying that it was
blocked because it contained 'Spam-like' data.

When I contacted my ISP, I was informed that I was on a block list
because I had sent enough (whatever the F that is) emails with certain
words in the subject line. When I tried sending one with "test" as the
subject, I was told that "test" was one of the trigger words, that if
sent often, would put me on the block list.

Since I use the word "test" pretty often, because I help a lot pf
people with programming, 3D printing, and a few other technical

So the first thing the ISP did was to send me an email asking for the
email that triggered the blocking. Well, I did not have it. I thought
perhaps I could find it, but I was unsuccessful.

Furthermore, they wanted me to send that email in .eml format, and
included instructions for putting it into .eml format. One option was:

Email client:
1. Highlight the message in your email client.
2. Right-click on the message and select "Save As..."
3. Choose Mail/Mail Files (*.eml).
4. Click Save.

Of course, I not only couldn't find the message, but could not find a
way in Evolution to save it as .eml.

Not only that, but the copy in 'Sent' appears to not have a full set of

The other option was to use their web interface:

1. Log in to Webmail.
2. Go to 'Inbox' or 'Sent'
3. Select the message.
4. Click the 'floppy disk' icon to save the message.
5. Click 'Ok'.

Of course, there would only be a copy in one of those directories if I
used the web interface to send email.

They have restored my ability to send email from Evolution, but not
knowing what their criteria for identifying spam is, I fear that I may
use a word like 'Hello' in the subject line once too often and be
barred again.

I guess it really isn't urgent that I figure out what to do, other than
never emptying my trash, then hoping that I can recover the email that
causes the next blocking, and then hoping that it has a complete set of
headers, and that I can save it in .eml format.

Larry (disgusted in Canada).

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