Re: [Evolution] Wrong dates in calendar

(Note: the quoting was horrible, with the full mail by Andre, with zero
level of quoting, then your reply below. Please quote only the relevant

On 2021-11-25 at 23:36 +0800, JeanPierre wrote:
The system time zone is set to Perth/Australia (+ 8 i think). In
preference, Evolution is set to use system time. 
There is no online calendar, it's just Evolution calendar 'Personal
On This Computer'

The Olson db entry is named Australia/Perth, and it's indeed 8 hours
ahead of UTC, for example:

Therefore TZ='Australia/Perth' will be used.
Selected time is now: Mon 29 Nov 06:30:00 AWST 2021.
Universal Time is now:        Sun 28 Nov 22:30:00 UTC 2021.

I checked on an other computer that is running Manjaro and has a more
up to date version of Evolution (3.42.1), but it has the same wrong


evolution must be parsing it according to an hour (either explicitly in
the calendar or 'guessed') which, when adding timezone offset, leads to
such day bump.

Which kind of calendar are you using?

Best regards

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