Re: [Evolution] Cannot connect to Evolution with Google

Patrick, while I agree that the form of quoting you prefer seems naturally better, for quite some time now the form that Daniel Caron used is the most common. It is absolutely irritating but you might as well try to stop any of the other tides of behaviour those of us who prefer the old 'hand-crafted' ways find annoying. Most people do it and the few of us who normally don't are disappearing.

For the same reason I gave up the fight against HTML in email some 20 years back. We cannot win, we can only do our best to remember a better world, and keep some flame alive.

A number of email clients make it harder to quote properly, especially those on Android it seems, and probably a number of Windows clients.

I see the style of quoting that Mr Caron uses consistently in email discussions from scientists, lawyers and judges alike. I also see it from mechanics and other well-trained people, suggesting that the styles those of us who have been around tech for decades consider "normal use" may not be as natural to others as they seem to us. They certainly don't seem to appear natural to experts in other fields!

Please do understand that other people have different work-flows to yours, and those flows work for them :) It's a lot more helpful to try to deal with the problem than it is to jump on someone because you don't see that others have different ways of doing things :)

[I'll go hide in the bushes now, pretending I'm waiting to pounce like a tiger whereas I'm really just snoozing till mealtime like a common moggy]

On 15/02/21 7:16 am, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sun, 2021-02-14 at 12:46 -0500, Daniel Caron wrote:
ok sorry for that
And you top-quoted again ...

The easy way to avoid this is to just select the part of the text you
want to comment on before hitting Reply, then Evo will quote only that
and place the cursor after it. You can then move it around to split the
text and insert comments where you want, but most of the time just one
comment is enough and this will do the right thing.


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