Re: [Evolution] scripting/fasting the add of remote agenda?


I'm sorry, I do not know what you mean.

I'm sorry i didn't explain :)

In your script, you have


if $XDG_DATA_DIRS doesn't exist, it expands silently
to this weird trailing ':' symbol. like this.

some people (including me) don't like silent misbehavior and set their
shell to raise an error whenever a parameter is not set (set -u).

so to me your script led to:

sh: 1: PREFIX: parameter not set

the way to fix this is to set a default while expanding

    echo hello ${PLAYER:-world}

as PLAYER is unset, the default applies so the final message is

    hello world

with +, you can also release a string if a variable is *actually* set.

    echo ${HOME+HOME is set}
    echo ${PLAYER+PLAYER is probably not}

will print only 'HOME is set'

i was proposing to improve the script you have in your page using those

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig:$PREFIX/share/pkgconfig
export GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=$PREFIX/share/glib-2.0/schemas

Well, the page had been written to work flawlessly some time ago, the
dependencies might change meanwhile, the same as the distro-
dependencies (sometimes, the dependency brings in its own dependencies,
which are used by the project). I might update the dependencies once
I'll get to it.

With respect of the libical itself, check the end of the page, the
second part of this Troubleshooting section:

i'll try to dig this way and come back to you with a complete procedure.

there isn't flatpack on the current stable debian
It's weird:

argg ...flatpak instread of flatpack. my bad: i'll give a try to it.

so I can't run your commands AFAIK and I really like the idea to
build from source: I can hack if I dare.

In fact, you do build from the source there as well. You can add your
patches there, it's only slightly harder (once you know how to add a
patch it's simple - Google and flatpak documentation helps in this

By the way, I prefer Reply To List (Ctrl+L in evo), instead of Reply To
All, on this list. I've no idea whether mutt has anything like that.

in mutt, it's just L.

There is a decent subset of the mutt features that are available in
evolution too and not in the other graphical MUA I tried. That's why i
choose evolution for this test. it would be nice to have some
similarities in the bindings but i don't know if it's possible.

Another reason I don't use graphical MUA even if I would like is i'm
confortable with vim so the experimental feature to have an external
editor is also something i appreciate.


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