Re: [Evolution] scripting/fasting the add of remote agenda?


it would be good to know the Evolution version
It's important, things could change meanwhile

of course! sorry... i'm too used to talk with debian users.

    evolution 3.30.5-1.1

now my first question: let's say i want to visualize the remote
agendas of my colleages in evolution:
If you mean 'visualize' like 'add a (shared?) calendar', then ...

not really shared as i don't need write rights.

use one of them as a template for the next one.
* is it true?

... depending on your version, yes or no. When you
File->New->Collection Account and fill your WebDAV (CalDAV+CardDAV)
credentials (and eventually also server address (can be with path)),
then it'll auto-add all available books/calendars/memo/task lists
configured for that user.

excellent. so i have to update to test it (File/new/ don't have the
"Collection Account" entry)

Depending on your version, evolution-data-server allows getting .source
templates from a shared directory and adds them to the user list of
configured calendars/books/... depending what the .source defines.
There is:
   $ gsettings get org.gnome.evolution-data-server autoconfig-directory

cool. i wasn't aware about the data-server. i just uploaded the doc and
will read it.

the key is empty for the moment.

which had been added as part of >
which is related to >
and one other in the chain of bugs.

so it should work for me.

Even there was planned to write some documentation for this (as an
extract of the bug comments), it never happened, unfortunately. Check
for example this thread:

thanks for this and all the rest of this message: it was really
informative. i'll level up on this and come back later to feed back.


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