Re: [Evolution] No CalDAV calendar

On Wed, 2019-10-30 at 21:32 +0100, Volker Wysk wrote:
Could it be that the "evolution-calendar-factory" is missing
there? Really??

Could it be that the two programs have different names when
distributed as a Flatpak package (from

not different names, but different locations and very different way of
being run. Flatpak is a sandbox, you cannot run it as any other
application "on the host system".

The Flathub version of Evolution starts the factories on its own when
it's started (and if they are not running already). Thus if you make
sure the processes from /app in

   $ ps ax | grep evolution

are closed before you run Evolution itself, then the logs will be
printed on the console of Evolution. That is, in the case of the
Flatpak, run Evolution as this:

   $ CALDAV_DEBUG=all flatpak run org.gnome.Evolution

There are other ways to run the factories in the flatpak, but it's out
of scope of this thread.

By the way, were you asked for a password of the added CalDAV calendar,
after the new calendar had been saved? Either it's missing the
password, or the evolution-calendar-factory process has a problem to
detect the calendar is online for some reason. Though in case of
Flatpak the detection of online state didn't work, thus the processes
are set to think they are always online. It could be fixed in recent
versions of portal/flatpak/glib/gio/..., but the flatpak itself can run
on older versions too, thus the workaround is still needed there.

You can check whether the password is saved for example in seahorse.

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