Re: [Evolution] No CalDAV calendar

Am Mittwoch, den 30.10.2019, 14:07 -0400 schrieb Adam Tauno Williams:
On Wed, 2019-10-30 at 17:58 +0100, Volker Wysk wrote:
The process of adding the calendar in evolution seems to work fine.
There are no error messages. I do Edit -> Accounts -> Add Calendar
Type -> CalDAV. I add the URL of the calendar, which I get from the
Nextcloud server. Then I do "Find Calendars", and this works. The
calendar is found.
But it doesn't work. The new imported calendar is empty. Nothing in
at all. 

To debug the CalDAV connection kill off evolution-calendar-server and
run :

} evolution-calendar-factory >& logfileMultiple

 - on the command line.


CALDAV_DEBUG=all evolution-calendar-factory >& logfileMultiple

It should dump it's conversation with the server into the log file.

I haven't had to do this in a long time, but I believe it still works
on the current versions.

There is no evolution-calendar-server process running:

desktop /tmp $ LANG=C killall evolution-calendar-server
evolution-calendar-server: no process found

The logfile:

desktop /tmp $ LANG=C CALDAV_DEBUG=all evolution-calendar-factory >&
desktop /tmp $ cat logfileMultiple
WARNING:root:could not open file '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/alexlarsson-

evolution-calendar-factory: command not found

That alexlarsson-ubuntu-flatpak-bionic.list file *does* exists:

desktop /tmp $ ll /etc/apt/sources.list.d/alexlarsson-ubuntu-flatpak-

... but I've commented out the "deb" line:

# deb bionic main

I've tried out uncommenting it again, but running evolution-calendar-
factory leads to the same result.

The installed version of evolution, which I have here, is from Flatpak.
Could it be that the "evolution-calendar-factory" is missing there? 


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