Re: [Evolution] Disable Digests? [was: evolution-list Digest, Vol 156, Issue 61]

On Sat, 2018-07-28 at 14:05 +0100, Dominic Knight wrote:
On Sat, 2018-07-28 at 12:34 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
To continue: I am a moderator of this list (there are three of us),
think I know how to post an administrative advisory, thanks.

Considering what this subject is about, possibly not!? (sorry POC I
just got triggered by this one)

If you disable cron/senddigests, no periodic digests will be sent for
any list. So digest users will no longer get any mails at all unless
you go into the users settings and manually change them to non-digest

I think the following possibly makes sense, but you never know it's
been a while since I ran any lists:-
You could,set the list in question to

digest_send_periodic = No

To turn off normal digest mode

Copy cron/senddigests to cron/senddigests2 or whatever name you like
and make sure the copy is chmod +x

Change line in the copy from

if mlist.digest_send_periodic:


if True:

Then add a separate crontab entry to run
cron/senddigests2 -l the_special_listname

For those who desperately need digest mode (?)

Then set replies to that list digest mode to be held for moderation,
edited by a moderator before being sent to the real list or returned to
sender for reformatting.

User settings may still be in bin/withlist 

You can also set
convert_html_to_plaintext: yes

to get around one of your other bugbears

I'm not a moderator and without questioning your hints, I suspect that a
moderator would welcome links to mailman pages ;).

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