Re: [Evolution] Cannot delete address book

On Fri, 2017-07-21 at 17:31 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
But there is another item with the same name in the left pane (the
appearence is:

[down arrow]<email address>

, exactly the same as the "working" one). If I click on "contacts",
it shows the same contacts, so I would like to delete it. How can I
get rid of it?

If I right-click on it, there is no "delete" option.

it looks like the address book is tight to a GOA account, maybe one
already removed, even the evolution-data-server didn't notice it
properly for some reason.

I suggest to search
for all .source files which contain "GNOME Online Accounts", then
delete these files, together with all of which are referencing them
(the file name, without the .source extension, is written in the other
.source files).

Moreover, from time to time an error appears in the upper bar:
  perform the search" [translation mine], and sometimes (not sure if
related to the error) I notice that evolution-address-book factory
increases my CPU and memory utilization to very high values.

That would require more data, debugging, steps... Maybe you face


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