Re: [Evolution] Cannot delete address book

Il giorno lun, 24/07/2017 alle 09.47 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
 On Fri, 2017-07-21 at 17:31 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:> > Moreover, from time to time an error appears in 
the upper bar:
  perform the search" [translation mine], and> > sometimes (not sure if related to the error) I notice 
evolution-address-book factory increases my CPU and              
memory utilization to very high values.
That would require more data, debugging, steps... Maybe you face

By the way: at the moment I found out that the "memory leak" seems to
be related to setting "0" as refresh interval in the google address-
book. Let me know if it's a known issue, if I have to provide more
details here, start a new thread or file a bug.


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