Re: [Evolution] IMAP-Account - new message count, but no messages

On Tue, 2016-09-06 at 12:45 +0200, Michael Hirmke wrote:
I followed that proposal, but it didn't help.
Again I got a new mail notification and I have "INBOX (1)", but no
message in the list in the right upper pane.

could you try to:

a) close the evolution
b) run from a terminal as a regular user:
   $ cd ~/.config/evolution/mail
   $ mv state.ini state.ini.old
c) run the evolution and move to the offending Inbox

, please? Running evolution from the same terminal would also help, in
case it'll show any runtime warnings.

You can also check the latest 5 messages from the Inbox folder of the
particular account stored in the local summary when running:
   $ sqlite3 ~/.cache/evolution/mail/<account-uid>/folders.db \
   "SELECT uid,subject,flags FROM 'inbox' order by uid desc limit 5;"
The only tricky part is to pick the right <account-uid> folder.

Finally, if you disable the other IMAP account (to not have debugging
prints interleaved), then you can run evolution from a terminal like

   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io evolution &>log.txt

and then wait for the new message to be recognized in the folder tree,
but not shown in the message list of the evolution UI. If you know the
message subject, then you can search for it in the log, to see whether
it was received to the local cache.

You can use Ctrl+] to move to the next unread messages, in case the
sort order of the folder moves the new messages in an area which is not
at the visible part of the message list.

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