Re: [Evolution] Version of Evolution that can compile on Centos 7

Thanks for the information.  I will look at other distributions to if there
is a stabl ones that I don not to change every 6 month to year (fedora).

Those are opposite goals and not really something that'll be easy to
find. The whole point of enterprise grade OS's like RHEL/CentOS is that
they are stable and provide a known, consistent platform over their
whole life - and that means that the software supplied does not change
major version. Keeping up with bleeding edge versions requires a
rapidly changing distro - and that will inevitably lead to
instabilities and frequent releases. Life is full of compromises.

I have no desire for this to become a distro wars thread - each distro
has its positive and negatives, they have their fans and their critics
- that's the glory of open source software. I personally use Fedora for
my own desktops and CentOS for my servers - my users also get CentOS
because they need stability and I really can't deal with upgrading a
hundred or so desktops every few months.

Some suggestions for you: if you have CentOS 7 as your base distro,
then it would be fairly trivial to run Fedora (Or. Any. Other. Distro.)
in a virtual machine. You might also want to try a rolling release
distro, so you don't get the hit of having to do a monolithic upgrade
every so often.

There are lots of options, but what you aren't going to get is the most
recent versions of software if you use CentOS.


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