Re: [Evolution] Version of Evolution that can compile on Centos 7

On Mon, 2016-11-21 at 10:09 -0800, Rocketrrt wrote:
What is latest-ed version of evolution that can be compiled
with out having to redo the Gnome Desktop.

the evolution doesn't depend on the GNOME Desktop, it's the opposite.
If you'd like to update evolution, then you should also compile
evolution-data-server, and this evolution-data-server is used by GNOME
Desktop, notably by GNOME Shell and others. The versions between yours
3.12.11 and 3.22.x contain several API changes in the evolution-data-
server, thus to have it properly running you would need to compile the
other dependencies as well.

I will going to 7.3 shortly, but I don't think it has any upgrades to
Gnome Desktop or Evolution.

There had been done updates, but no stable version updates, "only" bug
fixes had been done.

I tried the 3.22 Evolution but it complained, sound like I need
upgrade the Gnome Desktop also,

It depends on the actual error message. You can compile into a separate
prefix and run background D-Bus services manually, but the GNOME
Shell's calendar server makes it difficult (it keeps restarting the
evolution-calendar-factory background process, which is rather bad).

I don't think I want to that on a production servers.

I agree, doing such things into the core of the Desktop (the
evolution-data-server API changes) is not good to in the production
machine. Better to wait for the distribution changes (if there will be
any), or use a distribution which provides newer evolution, if you need
it. It can be even in a virtual machine.


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