Re: [Evolution] Replacing POP by IMAP - Was: [solved] Is there a workaround for deleting messages after 1 day from the server?

On Thu, 23 Jun 2016 06:23:44 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
Just this single work flow already doesn't provide what I need,
since I don't want to see a list with many mails, I only want a
list with a few mails.   
May I ask why?  Messages are (a) sorted and (b) highlighted if they are
read or not.
The Apple tablet MUA doesn't provide an overview I like, it requires to
go forwards and backwards and in addition the tablet app's layouts often
are not friendly related to large font sizes.

But from all these questions it is apparent that POP is what is
actually making in complicated.
Not that much since the POP account mails get deleted by Evolution after
really one day and not after two days anymore. However, it still would
be better, if a value < one day would be available.

To me it sounds like what you really need is server-side filtering.
But then there would be the need to use the provider's web interfaces
and those usually are a PITA.

Likely IMAP and my own email server would be a good solution for most,
if not all my needs, but this isn't an option.


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