Re: [Evolution] Replacing POP by IMAP - Was: [solved] Is there a workaround for deleting messages after 1 day from the server?

On Wed, 2016-06-22 at 18:39 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
How does IMAP help to retrieve all mails with Evolution and to
just the latest mails with a mobile device, with archiving all mails
Evolution. AFAIK it would either require to delete old mails with
Evolution, but then I couldn't archive them, or to retrieve all mails
with the mobile device, too.

Because IMAP MUAs only show a list of messages until you decide to open
one, at which point it's downloaded. POP has to download everything
even if you don't read it.

As to archiving old mails, you can do that if you want just by (in
Evolution) configuring "copy folder for offline operation", as one of
several alternatives.


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