Re: [Evolution] Duplicated messages in search folders

On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 2:56 PM, Pete Biggs <pete biggs org uk> wrote:
Unless you have specifically changed the configuration, the Trash is
not a real folder, it's virtual.  The deleted messages are still in
their original folder, just marked as deleted.  Turn on the "Show
deleted messages" in the View menu so that you can see them.  As such
excluding Trash from your searches probably wouldn't help.
I have changed the configuration, enabling "Use a real folder for
Trash".  But now I actually do not remember why I did this.  What are
the pros and cons of this configuration?

You could try adding the condition "Status" "is not" "deleted" to the
search rule.
Since I currently use a real folder for Trash, I added the following condition:
Message Location is not Trash.  It seems to have worked.  Thank you
for the suggestion.

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