Re: [Evolution] Backing up Evolution Data

On Wednesday, 09/09/2015 Andrea Vai wrote:
I was also wondering about a better name... what about "Export
Evolution data" and "Import Evolution data"? Despite they would be
similar to the below "Import..." menu item, I think that they would
be clearly understood as different things (evo vs external data)

There is probably not a perfect solution to this, but the back and forth reminds me that in the Spanish 
translation Evo uses "respaldar" which has the sense of providing support (to back someone/something) or in 
some cases to guarantee. Using "respaldar" for "to back up" may be an accepted sense in some Latin American 
dialects, but here in Spain you back up by making a backup copy ("hacer una copia de seguridad"). So, in a 
curious way the Evo "backup" here is already distinct from the "backup" we generally think of in English.

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