Re: [Evolution] Freeze when saving contact with duplicate email address

On Wed, 2015-06-10 at 10:35 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
Thanks Milan, so I would anyway file a bug to keep memory of this, do
you agree?

I do not think the bug report would help to anything, at least not when
filled against evolution. All I know about the issue is what I wrote
earlier, and that it's distributions-specific, which can be due to the
compiler/linker options being used by the distribution. Thus if a bug
would be filled, then against the distribution. After that we can
elaborate with the distribution maintainer, what flags are used and so
on, to maybe reproduce the issue on other distributions as well and
then eventually blame the compiler or the way evolution links the
libraries together. I know there were the same bugs filled against
evolution in the past, I just do not have exact bug links handy.

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