Re: [Evolution] Freeze when saving contact with duplicate email address

Il giorno mar, 09/06/2015 alle 12.24 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
Simply reproduce the issue, aka make evolution stuck, then run the below command from a terminal:
   $ gdb --batch --ex "t a a bt" -pid=`pidof evolution` &>bt.txt
Please check the bt.txt for any private information, like passwords,
email address, server addresses,... I usually search for "pass" at
least (quotes for clarity only).

That will create a bt.txt file with shown state what evolution does,
and/or where it got stuck.

Ok, I attach here bt.txt, just in case it is more useful to follow up here... or do I better
file a bug?


Attachment: bt.txt
Description: Text document

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