Re: [Evolution] Displaying TIFF images

On Tue, 2015-12-01 at 16:01 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
Hmm, OK. Unfortunately it seems that when a Mac user cut and pastes
an image into an email, it uses TIFF - so the usual method of telling
someone to use another format doesn't really work.

I didn't suggest anything like that. I tried to produce a hypotheses.

The emails don't originate from Evolution and the images have a
content type of "image/tiff".

Basically, is this a generic issue that Evolution doesn't disply
TIFFs anymore, or is it specific to my system?

My test message created in the Evolution has an attachment of type
image/tiff too. Evolution (webkit) doesn't show it when expanded
inline, "missing image" is shown instead.

That means, it's not specific to your system, neither to Mac, it's a
bug in the Evolution (or should be investigated further in the
Evolution first). File a new bug report for it, please.

        Thanks and bye,

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