[Evolution] Evolution 3.18.x and the delete key

This is something that has been bugging me for the last couple of

I have long lists of emails in a folder that I need to go through and
delete once I've scanned through the contents. (They are daily log
reports from a couple of hundred machines.)

I normally go through the list pressing the delete key, so that it
deletes a message and moves to the next one.  However, the new message
displayed, isn't at the top - as far as I can see it is displayed at
the same line number as the previous message.  Most messages are about
a hundred lines long and the important things I need to see are at the
top, so I do <delete>, <scroll up, up, up>, <scroll down, down, down>,
<delete>, <scroll up, up, up>, <scroll down, down, down>, <delete>. And
seeing as all the emails are virtually identical (except at the top),
it can get confusing about which email I'm looking at.

This doesn't happen if I use the delete icon, and, strangely, it
happens less often if I use Ctrl-D.

Is it possible to make it so the logic says "if automatically moved to
next message, display message from line 1".

And then, to make matters worse, in 3.18.x on F23, Evolution
occasionally stops responding to the <delete> key for deleting messages
- ctrl-d and delete icon both still work - it's just the delete key.
Restarting Evo restores it, and very occasionally, it will
spontaneously start working again.  I have yet to see any correlation
with actions, but has anyone else seen this?


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