Re: [Evolution] Evolution custom email message

On Mon, 2014-03-24 at 09:48 -0430, CAMACHO G. Lizzet J SIDOR wrote:
We write and respond messages as usual, but for special cases we have
this custom form, which meets the business need to protect in each
or forward the text of old messages, thus assuring that at any point
the thread, the text wasn't altered (for audit purposes).
This is fantasy security. There's nothing to prevent anyone from
altering any part of an email message or audit trail, unless messages
are cryptographically signed (something which is supported in Venezuelan
law). Evo supports both PGP and S-MIME signing but to use it effectively
in a business requires a properly managed certificate infrastructure
which is outside the scope of Evo.

(No hay nada que evite que se altere el texto o los encabezados de un
mensaje de correo, excepto con el uso de las firmas criptográficas. Como
estas están contempladas en la ley venezolana, sería una oportunidad
para aprovecharlas).


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