Re: [Evolution] trying to set up evo in Ubuntu 12.04

On Fri, 2013-10-11 at 09:07 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
On Thu, 2013-10-10 at 16:45 -0400, Swarup wrote:
I've installed evo in my colleague's Ubuntu 12.04 to test it. When I
open it, it gives a window for initiating setup by adding an account. I
click on the button to add account, and the window disappears i.e. shuts
down with no sign of anything else to come.

what is the evolution version, please? Ubuntu version doesn't tell
me/most-of-the-audience anything about evolution.

Run evolution from a terminal, there might be a sign why it stopped
itself. If it crashes, then even gdb or some crash catcher may get it
and provide a backtrace ("t a a bt" in gdb gets you a backtrace for all
running threads). Make sure you've installed debug info packages for
evolution-data-server and evolution, and if you'll upload the backtrace,
then that it doesn't contain any private information (passwords, email
addresses, server addresses,....), though in your stage, as you describe
it, there might be no such thing.

Hi, and sorry for the delayed reply. Somehow I missed this mail in my
inbox. You know, when I open evo using the terminal window, the evo GUI
opens and seems to work fine! I'll have to take some more time to work
further with it, but opening it in this way it does not crash as soon as
I click "continue". I do not know what that was happening when I start
it from the applications folder. 

I didn't get the evo version-- it is on my colleagues computer. But if
there are any further issues, I'll write back and give the evo version
as well.


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