Re: [Evolution] IMAP mail location pointing to the evolutio n folder

I am no expert on either or anything , but I would be worried that concurrent file access and the indexing could cause grief if they share the same directory

from my HTC

----- Reply message -----
From: "AlR" <alpotr gmail com>
To: <evolution-list gnome org>
Subject: [Evolution] IMAP mail location pointing to the evolution folder
Date: Sun, Aug 4, 2013 02:38

But my evolution was setup first and it's been there for a long time. So that means all my emails are in 'evolution' format. If I where to turn it around I would have to convert my emails to whatever mail format my IMAP would have.

Why do you think that it would be inviting trouble? Is the evolution maildir different from the standard maildir?  And as far as I know IMAP,  or dovecot in particular, will not touch the files unless you send emails or delete emails.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 6:00 AM, refdoc gmx net <refdoc gmx net> wrote:
I would turn it around, have a local IMAP server using whatever mail format it likes and attaching evolution to it. Sharing a maildir seems to me inviting trouble
Sent from my HTC

----- Reply message -----
From: "RICAFORT ALFREDO" <alpotr gmail com>
To: <evolution-list gnome org>
Subject: [Evolution] IMAP mail location pointing to the evolution folder
Date: Sat, Aug 3, 2013 14:54


I wanted to access my emails in Evolution.  My 'Receiving Email' setting
is '...folders manage by Evolution'. As I know this means that my emails
are stored in Maildir format. Now I wanted to access these emails
through IMAP, in particular using dovecot.

Would there be a problem if I just point my
'mail_location=~/.local/share/evolution/mail/local'? I don't plan to
send or delete emails through IMAP. I just need to read them.


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