Re: [Evolution] IMAP mail location pointing to the evolution folder

On Sun, 2013-08-04 at 09:38 +0800, AlR wrote:
But my evolution was setup first and it's been there for a long time.
So that means all my emails are in 'evolution' format. If I where to
turn it around I would have to convert my emails to whatever mail
format my IMAP would have.

Evolution and your IMAP server will do that for you.  Create the IMAP
account in Evolution, move the messages/folder to the server.

Why do you think that it would be inviting trouble? 

Because there are lots of potential concurrency and format problems.
Evolution [*REASONABLY*] does not expect another process to be diddling
around underneath it in it's own data-store.

Is the evolution maildir different from the standard maildir? 

Dunno.  There is no guarantee that it is the same reading of the spec,
even if that was intentional.  Those 'standards' tend to be a bit
sloppy, and there can be implementation details that raise compatibility
issues.  Let the IMAP server store the messages in whatever scheme it
uses, ditto for Evolution.

And as far as I know IMAP,  or dovecot in particular, will not touch
the files unless you send emails or delete emails.

Your belief is categorically *FALSE* [I've been managing mail/IMAP/SMTP
servers for decades].

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