Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.6.0 hangs with a large number of unknown jobs

see inline notes below

On Thu, 2012-11-08 at 19:21 -0800, Per wrote:
                then you are probably affected by bug #686810 [0].
        No, it does not appear to be associated with HTML emails. 
                Otherwise, make sure you have -debug packages for
                Evolution, Gtk+ and glib
                installed and attach GDB to Evolution:

First start evolution
When evolution hangs, then 
                gdb /usr/bin/evolution `pidof evolution`
                and get a full backtrace:
                   set logging file /tmp/evobacktrace.txt
                   set logging on
                 thread apply all bt full
                   you will likely have to hit enter several times to
                   page through the full backtrace 
                   attach the backtrace to a bugreport.

What you did below was not quite right; per above.
        Ok. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I ran the command as
        above (including the `pidof evolution` string; should there be
        an actual PID in there?). Once gdb is started I type run to
        start Evo. Evo after 30 min or so hangs with a number of jobs
        (including some Unknown ones; see attached screenshot). At the
        same time Evo was downloading emails (8 pop accounts). Evo
        then froze and was unresponsive to me pressing any of the
        cancel buttons. CPU utilization was 100%. Only way to shut
        down Evo was to kill it manually.
        After Evo was killed I typed in your last command, and got in
        return a blank line.
        Am I doing something wrong debugging Evo, or is this the
        expected behavior when the app is killed? Sorry if if this
        question is lame, but I have no idea what to expect with the
        process you outlined.

Sorry for posting this again.

The problem outlined above is recurring (mutliple times per day). It
seems to start with a task called "Saving user interface", at which
point Evo freezes. At least twice this happened in conjunction with a
'Retrieving Message xxxxx' message shown in the message pane (which
never disppears). CPU goes to ~50%. Gradually, a whole bunch of
'Unknown' tasks are spawned; seems CPU usage then goes up eventually
hitting 100%.

I'd like to file a bug report, but due to my apparent inability to use
the gdb tool properly am unable to do so.

Can someone point out for me further directions for debugging this

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