Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.6.0 hangs with a large number of unknown jobs

On Saturday 03 of November 2012 22:57:33 Per wrote:
After upgrading to 3.6.0 I'm experiencing frequent hang-ups. When this
happens, the status bar is full of active "Unknown" jobs. I have no idea
what these jobs are. I can't cancel them either, and I can't close
Evolution (which runs at near 100% cpu utilization).

My questions is: How can I debug what these jobs are doing?


can you confirm that this happens with HTML emails which have images? If so, 
then you are probably affected by bug #686810 [0].

Otherwise, make sure you have -debug packages for Evolution, Gtk+ and glib 
installed and attach GDB to Evolution:

gdb /usr/bin/evolution `pidof evolution`

and get a full backtrace:

thread apply all bt




dvratil redhat com | Associate Software Engineer / BaseOS / KDE, Qt
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