Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.6.0 hangs with a large number of unknown jobs

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Dan Vrátil <dvratil redhat com> wrote:
On Saturday 03 of November 2012 22:57:33 Per wrote:
> After upgrading to 3.6.0 I'm experiencing frequent hang-ups. When this
> happens, the status bar is full of active "Unknown" jobs. I have no idea
> what these jobs are. I can't cancel them either, and I can't close
> Evolution (which runs at near 100% cpu utilization).
> My questions is: How can I debug what these jobs are doing?


Thanks for taking your time to answer.
can you confirm that this happens with HTML emails which have images? If so,
then you are probably affected by bug #686810 [0].

No, it does not appear to be associated with HTML emails. 

Otherwise, make sure you have -debug packages for Evolution, Gtk+ and glib
installed and attach GDB to Evolution:

gdb /usr/bin/evolution `pidof evolution`

and get a full backtrace:

 thread apply all bt

Ok. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I ran the command as above (including the `pidof evolution` string; should there be an actual PID in there?). Once gdb is started I type run to start Evo. Evo after 30 min or so hangs with a number of jobs (including some Unknown ones; see attached screenshot). At the same time Evo was downloading emails (8 pop accounts). Evo then froze and was unresponsive to me pressing any of the cancel buttons. CPU utilization was 100%. Only way to shut down Evo was to kill it manually.

After Evo was killed I typed in your last command, and got in return a blank line.

Am I doing something wrong debugging Evo, or is this the expected behavior when the app is killed? Sorry if if this question is lame, but I have no idea what to expect with the process you outlined.





> Thanks,
> Per
dvratil redhat com | Associate Software Engineer / BaseOS / KDE, Qt
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Per M Knutsen
Department of Physics
University of California, San Diego
Urey Hall, Rm. 7108 (Deliveries)
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T: +1 858-405-2868
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E: pknutsen ucsd edu

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