Re: [Evolution] Evolution and distribution certificate (was: Signature not verified)

On Sat, 2011-11-26 at 17:31 +0100, Paul Menzel wrote:
Am Freitag, den 25.11.2011, 13:34 +0100 schrieb Milan Crha:
That is bad. How does Evolution and the distribution interact? The
distribution has this updated certificate [1] as you do

        $ openssl x509 -in /etc/ssl/certs/ -noout -fingerprint
        SHA1 Fingerprint=13:5C:EC:36:F4:9C:B8:E9:3B:1A:B2:70:CD:80:88:46:76:CE:8F:33
        $ openssl x509 -in /usr/share/ca-certificates/ -noout -fingerprint
        SHA1 Fingerprint=13:5C:EC:36:F4:9C:B8:E9:3B:1A:B2:70:CD:80:88:46:76:CE:8F:33

but in Evolution this is not the case.

        CAcert Class 3 Root

How is that supposed to work? I would have expected Evolution to update
that automatically.

it is supposed to use the system certificate database, it does for me
with newer nss/nspr and evolution 3.2.x, I suppose. I do not know how
yours 3.0.x should work exactly, I'm sorry. Check [1] and maybe ask
there, as the people CC'ed there know better than me.


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