Re: [Evolution] autocreate/autodelete tmpfilters for mailinglist threads/subthreads

On Tue, 2010-09-21 at 07:05 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Tue, 2010-09-21 at 11:08 +0200, "The Wicked Wookie" wrote:
On Tue, 2010-09-21 at 09:34 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Tue, 2010-09-21 at 03:01 +0200, "The Wicked Wookie" wrote:
I wonder if Evolution is capable of autocreate/delete temporary filters
for messages that belong to a certain mailing list thread/subthread?!

I don't want to go through the 'classic' filter creation procedure
(clicking lots of buttons, wasting lots of time). I'm rather seeking a
lightspeed keyboard shortcut way of doing it on arbitrary threads.

The specific thread filters should also get autodeleted after some time
so they don't pollute my filter space unnecessarily over time.

It's not autodeleted, but what about Right click and "create rule from

The Right click is a good start. But how about having also your own
filter templates in the context menu? Like 'Filter based on thread' or
more specific 'Trash all messages related to this Message-ID/Reference'.

Are these two different things? It's hard to know what you mean.

You're right, first I tried to be as general as possible and then to
narrow it down with an approach for a possible solution to my problem -
that is: to 'silence' mailinglist threads/subthreads I'm not interested
in on the fly.

that there is currently no explicit match on Message-ID so that would
need to be added. Also, there's no way to specify a filter based on
properties derived from another message at runtime.

That's a pitty. Although I see no need to derive information from
another message since everything we would need to filter future messages
of a certain mailinglist thread or subthread is already in the current
posting (that are the Message-ID and Reference headers). I belive that
Evolution already has a facility to destinguish messages based on these
headers, because in the 'Folder' menu we'll find the 'Select Message
Thread/Subthread' options.

But the problem I see is that we would need a filter rule for every
thread/subthread we want to silence. And so, by the time, we would end
up with a gazillion filter rules. I guess the only way to solve this is
to have a filter-expire functionality (with a editable default value, so
we can use this sort of filter by pressing a keyboard shortcut).

It would make life on high volume mailinglists so much easier. Although
a filter-expire would be vital in such a use case... know what I mean?!

My advice is to try and make this proposal more precise (it seems very
vague and hand-wavy at the moment), and then submit it as a Request For

I browsed the Evolution website but I didn't find an appropriate address
to submit the requeust to... :-(

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