Re: [Evolution] Deadly Upgrade

On Sun, 2010-11-28 at 21:50 -0600, Matthew Barnes wrote:
I think I know what happened to Kip.  He probably upgraded Evolution
2.32 and started it, but the Evolution-Data-Server processes from 2.30
were still running, and they still look for data in ~/.evolution.  And
once that mismatch occurs, it leaves a bit of a mess behind which has
be cleaned up manually by the user.  (I'm glossing over a few
details here, but that's basically the problem.)

I think it might be a good idea to notify distro package maintainers of
this dangerous situation. A preinst hook might simply check to see if
Evolution is already running, and if so, prompt the user to close it
before resuming the install.

While it's too late to fix the upgrade path from 2.30 to 2.32 since
is already out the door, 

Definitely not too late. Keep in mind that there's probably who knows
how many hundreds of thousands of people using 2.30 still, as that's
what comes with Maverick I believe.

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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