Re: [Evolution] POssible to clear Evolution's DNS cache?

Thanks for your reply Patrick.

It was remiss of me to fail to mention that the remote server is actually an Exchange server.  On further inspection via netstat it appears that the process which stays bound to the old (pre VPN state change) IP address when switching to the VPN is evolution-exchange-storage, which must maintain a persistent connection, makes sense.

So I guess the question becomes - what is the safe way to ask evolution-exchange-storage to rebind its connection? Restarting Evolution fixes the problem (most of the time? I'm worried about some of the panel items holding things open).


On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 12:34 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan <poc usb ve> wrote:
On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 14:03 +1000, Brett Randall wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a situation with a VPN where my server's IP address changes
> between connect/disconnect states.  It _appears_ as though Evolution
> caches the DNS lookup for my server, so there are problems when my VPN
> connection state changes (Evolution cannot connect, general
> instability/slowness).
> Any workarounds for this - clearing Evolution's DNS cache for example?
> Evolution 2.26.1 on Ubunutu Jaunty 9.04.

It makes no sense for an individual application to have its own DNS
cache. Apps leave name resolution to the resolver library and any
caching is done at system level.

The problem seems more likely to be in the VPN stack but it's hard to be
sure without a more detailed description.


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