Re: [Evolution] Who is maintainng evolution msi builds found on ?

does anybody knows who ist maintainig the msi-builds found on ?

I uploaded them there, but they are not "maintained" as such.
Thanks for answer. I appreciate it very much to see someone putting
win32 binaries/MSIs to the public. 
May i encourage you to do it on a more regular basis? I think there are
more people out there, looking for such a beast.

Where can i find the win32 builds used for the MSIs? Is there a known
repository? I didn't found any actual win32 builds on or newer

There aren't any recent zip files for just evolution (or e-d-s). When
I build some, they will be uploaded to the place where you looked,
That's great - I will monitor this place(es). Again i would appreciate
it very much, if the builds could happen on a more 'regular' basis.
(please bear with me, if by this I am asking for too much of your
valuable time - but if you allready prepare them and just don't upload
them because you think there is no great demand I will cry out loud: 'I
want them - really!' =;-) )
(As such it is interesting  that you actually want zip files with
Windows binaries for the individual modules ("module" in the "separate
source distribution" sense); people usually complain loudly for
instance about the GTK+ stack that it is hard to install on Windows
because each module is (was) available on as a separate
zipfile, and the great majority of people seem to find it preferrable
to download and install just a single installer or a single "bundle"
I asked for binaries/zips, because I am able and willing to prepare MSIs by my own.
And I am willing to share them with the community as well.
But (currently) I am not able (lack of programming skills) to build the
binaries needed for the MSIs by myself.
So - if you or others provide the binaries (and perhaps your initial MSI
sources) I am willing to jump in and maintain the corresponding MSI
builds on a more regular basis.
(I may have to enhance my MSI skills, but that's something I hope to

Best regards and many thanks 

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