Re: [Evolution] Evolution Windows build (evolution- - Problem with EHELO/HELO command not conforming to RFC

Hi Joep,
many thanks for answering.

On Sun, 2008-06-01 at 14:00 +0000, Thomas Hirsch wrote:
Really nobody out there having same problem and/or any suggestions?

some more tests showed, that it seems to be dependant of the SMTP server
i want to connect to (some others working well, but unfortunately I have
to use the one causing this error....)

The smtp server which i have to connect to and which throws me "HELO
command not conforming to RFC" error is "". Perhaps
anybody out there can recheck on this?

Many thanks in advance

I saw that you didn't get an answer in a week. Evolution is not a
Windows program and the developers only work on the Unix (Linux)
yes - but... I really would love to use the same mail client among our
linux and Windows users. And occasionally (and lukily) ther are windows
builds available from time to time. I would love to see them on a more
regular basis and would not mind to test them and report back to the
versions. Bad behaving mail-servers are common and some are more lenient
than others.
Jepp - but in this case, i don't think it's an missbehaving mail-server.
The one in question serves several million T-Online (German Telekom)
accounts/users and just insists on beeing RFC-compliant.
My evolution (version 2.10.3) is rather old but very reliable (Linux)
and uses the standard greeting sentence.
I have no experience with "hacking" of Evolution so I don't know where
the brackets are removed. 
Unfortunately i am not an experienced programmer. So i have to stick
with testing/bug filing and perhaps building MSIs due to some binaries
beeing available.
To solve this problem I assume you'll need the source and all the .dll
files (libraries in Windows) and find the problem. I have no knowledge
of people supporting the Windows version of Evolution but maybe somebody
else, with this knowledge can help you (or switch to Linux!!).
I am on Linux, but on Windows as well (as most of my collegues/staff as
well). In addition i would love to encourage more people to use evo as
an alternative to Outlo.., as there is - in my oppinion - no better free
solution than evo out there which will be accepted as an outlo..
surrogate. Others fail because lack of integrated

Best regards and again many thanks for providing great software and

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