Re: [Evolution] Competing with Microsoft

On Sun, 2008-01-20 at 18:16 -0600, Peter Van Lone wrote:
On Jan 17, 2008 2:07 PM, Rob Cambra <rcambra amesbury com> wrote:
People sitting at desks in real companies want and demand collaboration tools such as Exchange, Lotus 
Domino, GroupWize, etc.  Evo better be the client side equivalent for open source and be rock solid in 
those environments or it goes nowhere.  What's the point if it's just for home users and enthusiasts?

exactly right.

But alienating the "home users and enthusiasts" isn't going to do you
any good.  The _innovation_ for much of open source software comes from
exactly those people - the driver for corporate users is to mimic
Microsoft, which I can't believe is good for the future development of

EVO appears to be fine for individual users ... but in a
corp/groupware environment, it's (poor) support of Exchange makes it a
non-starter. I know that many posters to this list express the
sentiment that they "resent the time EVO developers have to spend on
Exchange support". Well, I guess it comes down to whether or not you
want linux in general and EVO in particular to have a shot a real
marketshare leadership ...

I work in a (semi-) corporate environment - and Evo is a perfectly
stable, capable mail client.  It has things missing that would make life
easier, but that doesn't include Exchange support - we don't use
Exchange - and, although it may seem strange to some people, not all
corporate environments do.

It saddens me to see the Evo developers chasing Microsoft's tail all the
time - it is exactly the scenario that Microsoft want: the perception
that they are the leader and everyone has to follow them.  I wish there
was some easier way into Exchange and I sincerely home that the libmapi
approach is going to provide it - although my cynicism tells me that the
mapi protocol will change every few months in order to break everything
other than MS products .  At least once that is sorted out, the Evo
developers can concentrate on other things.


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