Re: [Evolution] Mismatch between subject and message contents

On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 18:54 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
But Evo takes a long time to exit (30 seconds or so) as it waits until
exit time to purge and write out all mail folders.  Most distros don't
give processes nearly this long to exit.

True, and in fact some versions used to hang indefinitely on this
(though it hasn't happened to me recently). But that just means the
caching strategy needs to take account of this to allow Evo to shut down
in a relatively short time, or alternatively to be able to write its
state locally in such a way as to recover consistency when restarted.

I'd like to see a periodic cleanup, every 5 minutes or so, where
evolution does an expunge of all mailboxes automatically, so it's always
more or less ready for shutdown. But I believe that has been discussed
just this week already.

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