Re: [Evolution] Evo 2.6 - adding a 'move' icon

[An add-on to my posting of 3 April 11:26]
One more question for the "drag-and-droppers":
   How do you create a new folder when dragging and dropping?

Which leads me to make another suggestion to the developers
[which I will post in the official place]:  When clicking
Move and then New, the new folder is created as a subfolder
under the one currently selected, which is the last place
something else was stored.  This is not generally what is
wanted.  In my case, I have top-level folders "mail2002", etc.
by year, and under those many dozens of folders for particular
senders.  So, when I create a new folder, I always want it
to go under "mail2006", or whatever is the current year.
Seems like the way to do this is to have a preference item
"Default parent folder for new folders" or something like

Best to all,
George Reeke

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