Re: [Evolution] Any suggested workarounds for yet one more interface quirk?

On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 12:37 -0700, Evolution List wrote:
Backspace is just that. It is going backward as in to the previous
letter in a word.  It is going backward to the previous *space* which
may be occupied by a letter.

AFAIK, most Windows users think Backspace means "Delete previous
character" (a practice which has become common on Unix as well).
Backspace is itself a holdover from typewriter keyboards, where it was
used to type one character on top of another (e.g. for underlining).
Since this makes no sense on a screen, the meaning has long been
forgotten. My point is that "intuitive" is in the eye of the beholder.
Personally I hate having to move away from the main keyset and hunt for
a PgUp key or whatever. It's as inconvenient as moving one's hand to the
mouse, except I can usually grab the mouse without looking.

What Evo needs, as I've said in the past, is an easy way to remap keys.
I use a dead-key configuration on a US keyboard, so I can type stuff
like | or [ easily and also get to accents (áéíúó) and Spanish
characters (¿¡ñ), but in Evo I'm screwed when I want the shortcut for
preview Pane (Ctrl-`). You can remap a lot of this stuff by editing the
XML files, but it's far from obvious to the naive user.


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