Re: [Evolution] Suggestions on how to work with Evolution UI effectively?

On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 04:22 -0700, Evolution List wrote:
 I hit "." to supposedly go to the first unread message
within the folder but this doesn't seem to work consistently.  

I've been using "Ctrl-]" to do that. I never even knew "." could do that, since View/Go To/Next Unread Message says to use "Ctrl-]"... (I used to use "]" until the new GTK2 typeahead stuff dropped and broke it (in the folder tree).

One thing I do miss from thunderbird is a "next unread message, possibly in any folder" or whatever it's called. It's so much easier than scanning all my folders to find the emboldened ones.


Michael R Head <burner suppressingfire org>
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